Category Archives: Machine Learning
Product Recommendation at Criteo
The engine recommendation team As we said time and again, performance is everything. The performance…
Criteo Welcomes the S2DS 2016 team to our London office
S2DS, is a 5 week intensive boot camp which is targeted at PHD’s with Analytical…
Data Filtering for Reliable Decision-Making
In this post we present our data-driven approach to design a relevant filter for ABTest…
Damien Lefortier presents: Machine Learning for Display Advertising at Scale at MLconf New York
Abstract This talk, will briefly introduce the display advertising marketplace, its stakeholders and the key…
Videos: Machine Learning Workshop in Criteo
There is a wide gap between academic machine learning and industrial data science. The goal…
A day in the life of an EPM
Hi there! A number of friends regularly ask us what an EPM is and what…
Criteolabs goes to ACM Recsys 2015, Vienna, Austria.
When: Wed 16 – Sun 20 September Location: Technische Univerität Wien, Vienna, Austria Criteolabs is…
Large-scale machine learning at Criteo
At Criteo, machine learning lies at the core of our business. We use machine learning…
Criteo dataset part of an Edx Machine Learning course
Several months ago we announced the availability of a larger version of a dataset that we…
Criteolabs at Berlin Buzzwords 2015
When: Sunday 31 May – Wed 3 June, 2015 Location: Berlin Berlin Buzzwords is Germany’s most…