DBWeb Seminars: Deep Character-Level Click-Through Rate Prediction for Sponsored Search

By: CriteoLabs / 11 Jul 2017

Telecom Paristech’s DBWeb Seminars  will feature on Wednesday (12:00 pm) Criteo Scientist Amin Mantrach who will be discussing how to make use of last advancements in Natural Language Processing and Deep Neural Networks to improve the sponsored search user experience.

Free lunch will be available & more info for free registration here

This work will also be presented as full Research Paper in Augsut during the  SIGR 2017 Conference in Tokyo.

Pre-print of the paper can be done here

DBWeb Seminars feature talks by members of the group and guests from other research groups, as well as discussions on topics of relevance to the DBWeb group

Speaker Bio

Amin Mantrach is conducting research and developing deep learning based solutions for improving the sponsored search user experience for Criteo Brand Solutions.  His interests are in the domain of deep learning, NLP and information retrieval.


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